Carolyn Kanicki

I grew up in the Kalamazoo area of Michigan into a very musical family. I graduated with a BA in Music Education from Michigan State University in 1979, then began my teaching career in Brown City, Michigan, where I taught instrumental/vocal music in grades 5-12. While in Michigan I was a member of the Kalamazoo Junior Symphony Orchestra, the Detroit Metro Community Band, and the International Symphony Orchestra in Sarnia, Ontario.
In 1991, my husband Don accepted the position of Superintendent of Schools in Rockland, Maine .... and we headed East! I was fortunate to find a teaching position at the St. George School in Tenants Harbor, where I spent 23 years teaching grades 5-8 and working with a staff and community that valued and supported its band program. Retired from St. George since 2015, I continue to teach privately.
In 1995 I joined the (then) Midcoast Chamber Orchestra as a substitute in the horn section, and became a full-time member of the Midcoast Symphony in 2002. In addition to the MSO, I'm also a member of the Midcoast Community Band (Thomaston) and the Midcoast Brass Quintet (Rockland/Camden.)
I reside in Rockland with my husband Don and our "feline family" Maddy and Buddy.