Sarah Dow

Sarah started playing the oboe at the age of 10, studying privately with Dr. Michelle Vigneau and Dr. Louis Hall as a child and throughout college. She holds her Bachelors degree in Music Education with a concentration in instrumental studies from the University of Maine, Orono, and her Masters degree in Music with a concentration in conducting from The American Band College of Sam Houston State University.
Recently marking her 20th year teaching music in the public schools -- including 9 years teaching beginning through middle school band, and 10 years teaching high school music -- she now feels fortunate to be back teaching 5th & 6th grade band in Auburn. Sarah has also taught oboe privately throughout central and southern Maine.
She is active in the Maine Music Educators Association and currently serves as the Band VP for the state. Prior to that she was the District II Chairperson for 5 years, and held various roles in managing and coordinating festivals.
Sarah plays oboe in pit orchestras, churches, The Quarantine Wind Quintet (a woodwind quintet formed right before the pandemic descended), and the Acadia Winds. She formerly played with the Augusta Symphony Orchestra, and is now thrilled to be playing with and inspired by the top notch musicians in MSO.